WOW!! Its 1pm and I have 1 child at home napping!!! What do I do with myself!!!
Its soo quiet. WHy you ask?? Well See this cute picture of Zack and Tyler, Its Zacks 1st day of full day kindergarten and Tylers 1st day of 3rd grade!!! They were excited this morning and of course had to take pictures. I am missing Zack a little, after all he has been home with me for the past 5 years, but oh all that energy needs to be expressed somewhere other than torturing Nataly and making Mom crazy!!
No really I do miss his energy (just a little) but I am glad that he is hopefully having fun. He needed school!! And for Tyler, he is excited to have a new teacher and learn new things!!
It will be an interesting year. I will enjoy my time with Nataly and await another one in December!! Hopefully they both will sleep and then we all can take naps!!
Enjoy the quiet!
You go Girl, I remember when Roark was gone that first time.. Man it was too quiet.. Missed the little bugger. Enjoy while you can.. life will change here in a few months. Love ya
Zac is looking so big and grown up! I can't believe he's in kindergarten!
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